Countdown to Columbia (CC)

All the 2018 student committees of NSOP, COOP, ISOP and CUE

Check out the Columbia Undergraduate Student Life Facebook page to watch a brand-new video highlighting all the orientation and pre-orientation student committee members as they began preparing for your arrival during their spring retreat!

Meet Your NSOP Student Committee Members

Follow Columbia Undergraduate Student Life on Facebook and the New Student Orientation Program's Instagram and Snapchat (@CUBCNSOP) to get to know the student committee members who are hard at work preparing your welcome to campus, and preview a few of their pro tips below.

NSOP Student Committee 2018: Semira Brown CC'20
"My piece of advice is that your worth is inherent, not contingent. Yes, you are accomplished and phenomenal to have gained admission to this world-class institution, but you would be just as worthy of life, joy, respect and happiness if you hadn’t. You are worthy because you exist, and more than enough whether you get As or Cs, especially if you put in 110 percent effort. Remember this if your tests or grades don’t go as expected!"

NSOP Student Committee 2018: Amaris Benavidez SEAS'19
"Go beyond the Columbia bubble and explore what New York City has to offer! Your adventure awaits: There's something for everyone!"

NSOP Student Committee 2018: Mario Garcia Jr. CC'21
"Don’t be afraid to break out of your shell a little bit more! No one knows you here and everyone is too busy overanalyzing themselves to worry about any potential mistakes you’re making! Make friends, embarrass yourself, try new things! You’re here to learn more about yourself and your interests so use this experience wisely!"

Learn More About Your NSOP Student Committee